Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Remembering 911

I got an email today about a cool way to honor the victims of 911 - put my headlights on while driving during the day today. Simple and pretty darn cool. As I was driving around today, every time I saw someone with their headlights on it was a nice reminder; whether they knew about the email or not. Now next year I'm going to be part of the other way people are memoralizing the day; by doing a good deed. I love the idea of counteracting evil with hundreds of thousands of people doing something good for someone else on 911. Of course, the positive energy generated will last for days before and after 911 and carry over to other times of the year as well.

May we never forget the victims of 911 and the "come together" spirit of the USA in the months that followed.

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About Me

Heart of Illinois, Peoria, United States