Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Wow - has it really been close to 3 months since I posted last - yikes - life has been busy. Now if things could go straight from my mind to the pages of this blog I'd be posting a lot more often. Lucky for you, no one has invented that type of "blue tooth" - yet! Speaking of inventions and positive things in Peoria - The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch. I'm not sure how this segment "Will it Play in Peoria?" came about, but I love it! Here's a link to the first in the series of segments they have done so far http://www.cnbc.com/id/15840232?video=653914114. I've watched all of the segments so far and they're great! It's positive press for Peoria and it's entertaining. I hope these segments continue. So far 4 different people each time from the area showcase newer products. The owner of Cyd's, local councilman, small business owners and of course the second episode includes Mayor Ardis.
Check it out and see if you agree whether or not each product "will play in Peoria."

About Me

Heart of Illinois, Peoria, United States